Edinburgh Council has recently completed the construction of a new cycleway, which forms part of the National Cycle Network (NCN) route 1. The cycleway will connect with other active routes planned around the city, including the George Street and First New Town project and Meadows to George Street as part of the Edinburgh City Centre Transformation.
The project initially faced controversy due to the reallocation of road space away from private cars and the perceived negative impacts on parking, congestion, and retail, particularly in areas like Roseburn. In response, the council introduced the Rejuvenating Roseburn initiative, focusing on community cohesion benefits, such as a Christmas tree lighting ceremony at the new public realm space at Old Colt Bridge and Dr Bike sessions outside the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel. The level of support was high, with 49% of respondents in favour and 11% opposed.
The scheme offers comprehensive provisions, including segregated cycleways, improved pedestrian and cycle crossings, upgraded drainage, enhanced street lighting, cyclist and pedestrian priority at key junctions, contra-flow cycle provision on one-way streets, raised tables at side road crossings, new cycle parking facilities, removal of redundant street furniture, carriageway resurfacing, amendments to on-street parking, wider pavements, dropped kerb crossings, and continuous footways with raised tables over side roads.
New landscaped areas, including trees, grassed areas, and benches, have been added, providing more space for people to sit and spend time and encouraging visits to some of Edinburgh’s outside spaces. Cycle counts and monitoring are ongoing, with no statistical evidence available yet. However, the successful delivery of such an ambitious and high-quality scheme in the face of opposition warrants recognition.